With the advent of the South East Asia Game; OneFm Happy Hour DJ, Wayne Thong and OneFm Morning Kaki DJ, Jack Yap had mutual down the gauntlet to conduct a cycling warm-up match. Each of them had get two artists as their partner to form a group of three for the relay race.

骑士小飞侠 (Jack, Wind & Gary) vs BU烧鸡翼 (Wayne, Adrian, Jing Ling)

BU烧鸡翼 Group - Black Chicken, Ken, Sailormoon

骑士小飞侠 Group - Angel, Captain America, Super Mario

The challenge was held on 11th December 2013 at Desa Park City. 

The group photo

Banyak-banyak pattern punya black chicken =P

Black cock is laying golden eggs @_@

Left: Challenge #1 
Center: Challenge #2 
Right: Challenge #3

Challenge #4

After a great match, "BU烧鸡翼" lost to "骑士小飞侠" with the total score of 191 vs 250

"BU烧鸡翼" 191 vs "骑士小飞侠" 250

Not forget to take photos together with them.. xD

Top: Me with Black Chicken
Bottom Left: Me with The Captain America
Bottom Right: Me with Angel

The cycling challenge activities ended successfully at about 1pm. Once again congratulations to "骑士小飞侠".. Really have a great day with them.. Wish OneFm will have more of this kind of activities in the future.. OneFm 最 Hit~!!!!! ^_^

The group photo with "骑士小飞侠" and "BU烧鸡翼"


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