after bought the ticket, the cashier gave us 2 cds to each of us.. During the journey around the aquaria, v saw many types of hidupan laut.. eg, jaws, turtles, tortoises, fish n etc. besides that, there oso got snakes, frogs, monkey n many more.. v oso take the opportunity to take some nice photograph there.. :D

while taking d picture half way, my digital camera was run off of battery.. really pek chek dat time.. :( then my bf said try to asked the guard whether can go out to buy battery or not.. dis guard said dunno, dat guard said hv to go up to d entrance there to ask.. anyway, finally v get to buy battery after they allowed but juz allowed 1 ppl to go out.. after get the new battery, v continue our journey in the aquaria.. v spent almost 2 hrs plus there n have another chance to go there once again.. b4 v go back, v stop at the souvenier shop to have a look... n i oso took 1 photo there holding wif a FINDING NEMO soft toy.. haha.. besides that, i oso got bought a collection to hang my phone.. :D